We can do virtually anything on the road that we can do in the shop, including duplicating keys and originating lost keys!
On the road again!
24 Hour Emergency service available!
Our Company Logo
Though the colors and design elements might change slightly, this logo is featured on all our uniforms, our business cards, road forms, etc. You will also know by our logo that you are dealing with professionals.
Keyboard #1 (of 2)
We have built up our inventory of hard to find key blanks for 40 years. We either have it or we can get it!
Keyboard 2 (of 2)
One of our Instagram Ads
We try to have a little fun with our social media accounts, but at the same time we hope the message is clear: You are our top priority!
A unique challenge
Our road tech Micah servicing and changing the combination on a rather unique antique fire safe.
Standard padlocks and more!
Why yes, yes we do carry locks for bikes!
Monroe Evening News Best of the Best
Thanks for voting us best locksmith in Monroe County for 3 years running!
Check us out on Google!
It would be hard to put all our reviews on this site, so if you want to know more about how our customer base views us, check us out and feel free to leave a review of your own experience. We respond to all our reviews.
Check us out on Insta!
Please follow us on Instagram. Note too, the additional website listing.
Follow us on Facebook!
Check Out Our YouTube Channel!
We only recently started this channel, so it's pretty light on content. But more to come!
Keep Them Out!
In addition to lock bypasses, we offer lock replacement and fresh lock installations.
Recording a commercial with Monroe County Radio
Additional Logo Image
Lockouts Are a Specialty!
Customer Service Ad
You are sooo important to us. We strive to be there when we say we'll be there!
Transparent Pricing!
While not everything we do fits neatly into a specific price point, we try to be as up front as possible about what something is going to cost. Estimates on work can always be provided.
Traveling To The Far Corners!
Business Lockouts Are No Problem!
Office or Storeroom Door Locked? Let us help get you back to productivity!
Appointments Scheduled To Fit Your Needs
We don't believe it's the customers job to fit our availability. Just the opposite. We will work with your busy schedule to come up with the best time for you.